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Losing weight is one of the most common goals for people aiming to take up a new exercise commitment. However, one very common reason people fail is that they don’t know the best exercises to lose weight and achieve this goal. In order to lose weight, exercise alone is unlikely to lead to any significant weight loss – there must also be a focus on nutrition.

This article will look at the best exercises to lose weight. These should be approached alongside an effective, sustainable diet plan. This will ensure you get the best results from your weight loss journey.

Best exercises to lose weight

Running is one of the best exercises to lose weight

Jogging and running are among the best exercises to lose weight. It burns calories and is easy to incorporate into your weekly routine. It takes time to build up the strength and stamina to keep running for 30 minutes or more. It’s essential to have the proper footwear and supports to prevent injury.

Did you know that your running pace substantially impacts the number of calories burnt? It is helpful to take up running with a personal trainer or in an environment where you have external support. Additionally, they will motivate you to get the best results.

Weight training is one of the best exercises to lose weight

Many people believe that weight training cannot help you lose fat. In reality, training with weights forces your body to burn calories and can be very effective for reducing body fat. As a result of weight training, you will continue burning calories after a workout as your body works to repair the muscles you worked when lifting weights.

There are many things to consider with weight lifting:

• Different movements
• Correct technique
• Avoiding injury
• Warm up/cool down

While weight training is one of the best exercises to lose weight, it is always best to do weight training with expert assistance. For this reason, a personal trainer or gym instructor can help devise training programs and ensure you maintain proper form for an effective workout.

When looking at the best exercises to lose weight, consider High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

This broad term refers to training with short bursts of intense exercise with short recovery periods. With this in mind, a HIIT workout typically lasts 10-30 minutes and elevates your heart rate for lots of calorie burning.

Essentially, it enables you to burn lots of calories without spending lots of time exercising. It is pretty easy to incorporate into your weekly routine, but it is best to seek help with the routine. Engaging assistance will ensure you have a consistently effective approach to your training.

HIIT workouts can put a lot of strain on the body, so it is important to check with your doctor before starting. You will combine many movements and push your heart rate very high, so adequate preparation and instructions are key.

How hard is it to lose weight?

Many factors impact the amount of weight you will lose when training.

• Your starting weight
• Your age
• Gender
• Your genetics
• Diet
• Existing medical conditions
• Sleep

Additionally, to lose weight in a safe, sustainable way and boost your health and fitness, working with a personal trainer can be helpful. Picks PT offers personal training in various ways to make it accessible for as many people as possible.

For further information, browse our site at www.pickspt.com.au. The expert and friendly Picks PT Team offers a FREE 30-minute initial consultation. 

So, feel free to call our team today on 0420 998 460. We’re proud to service Macarthur, Campbelltown, Mount Annan, Camden and surrounding areas.

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The Picks PT team can help you with personal training, group fitness, nutrition guidance, and even online fitness training. We can help with all aspects of fitness coaching.

Get in touch with Nathan @ PicksPT and book a FREE initial consultation.

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Monday – Friday:
05:30 AM- 12:00 PM

03.00 PM- 08.00 PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed