Picks PT - Personal and Group Training Banner


With the on-going pandemic and lockdown restrictions, more and more people are opting to get their daily workout done via virtual coaching and online portals. Technology has advanced so much that is has made it easy for anyone to join

The onset of any new year brings out a wave of people committing to ‘resolutions’, which they want or would like to achieve that year. The most common of these objectives relates to fitness, exercise, nutrition, and weight loss. However,

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The Picks PT team can help you with personal training, group fitness, nutrition guidance, and even online fitness training. We can help with all aspects of fitness coaching.

Get in touch with Nathan @ PicksPT and book a FREE initial consultation.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
05:30 AM- 12:00 PM

03.00 PM- 08.00 PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed