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Picks PT Personal Trainers

Not all personal trainers are made equal. There are particular signs you might pick up on to indicate that your personal trainer isn’t the right fit for you to improve your health and fitness. What exactly should you be on the lookout for when engaging a personal trainer? Read on for our helpful hints.


If you’re finding your personal trainer is constantly getting preoccupied with other things or chatting with others during a session, it’s a sign they’re not the right fit. Your personal trainer should be focused on helping you perfect your technique, stay hydrated, and simply motivate you throughout the session. After all, you are paying them for their time.


The perfect personal trainer will have every segment of your session planned before you begin your workout, and will ensure they develop the best possible workout catering to your goals. If you find your personal trainer isn’t sure what’s next, you’ll know they’re disorganised. They may not be sure what to do to help you achieve improved fitness and performance.

Generalised training

A personal trainer who offers a basic, standardised program to all their clients is not a good fit. You come with your own unique health concerns, goals and preferences. You need a trainer who will pick up on and be interested in your needs, wants, aspirations, level of fitness, and exercise history. Someone who will tailor a session according to your capabilities and skill level.


If your personal trainer is using their phone during a session, this is a big turn-off. They might well be using an app to time you or guide you through the session – but you can’t be sure. Remember, you are the client and you’re paying for their services, so it’s only fair to expect that they give you their undivided attention during the entire session.

Not practicing what they preach

When you engage a personal trainer, it’s natural to form an opinion based on your first impressions. How is your trainer presenting themselves? Do they look professional and ready to work? Do they seem like they enjoy their job, and seem motivated to maintain their own health and fitness? A personal trainer who doesn’t seem committed to personal wellbeing and improvement of health, mind and body probably isn’t the best fit for you.

Contact us

If you’re in need of a great personal trainer, contact the team at Picks Personal Training. We’ve got years of experience in the health and fitness industry and are committed to helping our valued clients of all ages. We help clients stay motivated and on track to achieve and even surpass their goals.

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The Picks PT team can help you with personal training, group fitness, nutrition guidance, and even online fitness training. We can help with all aspects of fitness coaching.

Get in touch with Nathan @ PicksPT and book a FREE initial consultation.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
05:30 AM- 12:00 PM

03.00 PM- 08.00 PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed